Saturday, July 29, 2006


My birthday ride got rained out this week. Sarah gave me a new training video though, so I did that instead. It was "Rides v1, The Rockies"; I had never heard of this series before, so I didn't really know what to expect. It's a little different from a more standard interval type workout; most of the hard efforts are a little longer and you tend not to repeat them. So, I'm not sure about it from a specific training point of view. What I can say is that it felt a lot more like the efforts you do in a "regular" ride. The video re-inforces this, since the camera follows a group out on the road. For me, this is a lot better than watching a room full of people on trainers ride ala Spinervals. The music was pretty decent, and they made an effort to keep things interesting by popping up different messages and comments during the workout. Anyway, I liked it enough that I'll probably pick up the second video in the series.

I did make it out to Stony last night for my last ride of the trail before the race on Sunday. I got out there a little later than I had intended, but I got everything done that I wanted to. Today I'm just relaxing and getting ready for the race and my trip to Germany next week.

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