Monday, July 09, 2007


This past weekend was kind of a blur. I was up and out the door for a run by 7am on Saturday; the run went OK, but my IT band flared up again at the end. I took a little break, then mowed the lawn, and then went on a bike ride. Saturday afternoon/evening, Sarah and I went to a wedding for one of her fellow skating coaches.

On Sunday, I was up and out early again. This time, I rode my bike first. I attempted a run again and my IT band flared up within 6 or 7 minutes, so I stopped. I'll rest and stretch and ice today and try again tomorrow. After my aborted run, I ate a quick lunch and then Sarah and I met up with some friends to canoe for a couple hours. We had a pretty good time; we saw some interesting locals (many were short a few teeth) at a "swimmin' hole" along the river. After that, we went to visit Sean and Stacie and their new baby. Stacie made me a birthday cake, which was a nice surprise. July 8 is definitely the earliest I've celebrated my birthday in a long time, maybe ever.

The IT band thing is pretty disappointing. It probably means I won't have the opportunity to be ready for the trail race, but I guess it was a long shot anyway. I'm going to keep trying to resolve it though and we'll see what happens.

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