Friday, January 08, 2010

Does it say "PRO" or not?

It's been a quick week. I've felt a little off the past couple days. We're moving my daughter into a new bedroom, and the adjustment has meant a little less sleep for us. Still, it's going better than I expected.

We finally got a little snow yesterday. It should stick around for awhile, so I'm hoping to get out tomorrow and do some cross-country skiing. Hopefully it won't be too cold.

A couple of random links:

- Joe Friel's comments on pelvis position on the bike. I ran across this a long time ago, and didn't get too far with it at the time. Jeff has also been encouraging me to change the way I sit on the bike. So, I've been working on that, and my posture in general.

- Xtranormal video about a bike racer's Thanksgiving plans. Pretty funny.

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