I've been off the bike since the Ft Custer race, and I'm getting hungry to start riding again. That's a good thing...
Aside from getting a cold, I've had a good little break. I spent most of last weekend cleaning and staining the kids' swingset. Thanks to the crummy weather we've had this week, it's still not done! The riding lawn mower I just bought also has a problem, so I've had to deal with that.
I'm going to a Betterride camp this weekend. I probably wouldn't have gone this year, except this camp is local (unlike last time, when I went to Richmond!), so I felt like I couldn't pass it up.
Next week I'll resume my training. I'm going to change up my training plan a bit for the second half of the season. For the first half, I followed a program by James Wilson. From a strength training standpoint, I was completely satisfied with my progress. From a racing fitness standpoint, not so much. Near the end, I felt like I was going reasonably well, but it was pretty clear that my power was just not where it needed to be.
I'm going to keep James's strength workouts, but I'm going back to a riding plan that's a bit closer to what I've done it past years. The first step will be to re-build / expand my base...
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