So, I bounced back pretty well this week. I was feeling OK on Tuesday but, unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate, so I ended up doing my speed work inside on the trainer.
I did a 3 hour road ride on Wednesday night. I was pretty tired by the end, but it basically went OK and it didn't feel as long as I expected. I rode on the roads at Stony Creek, and there were lots of people out, including a couple people flying combat with their R/C airplanes, so that helped to pass the time.

I was feeling fatigued yesterday, but I went ahead and did my Tempo ride anyway. On the last week of a training block, I think it's OK to go into a ride feeling tired. My tempo interval was scheduled for 50 minutes this week, which was almost long enough for me to ride the full loop at Pontiac Lake. I was very close to the end of the trail when my 50 minutes was up, so I kept going hard and ended up finishing the lap in 54 minutes.
For as tired as I was during the day yesterday, I actually rode pretty well last night. The first 15 minutes or so were a little rough, but I sharpened up after that. I actually cleaned one section that I've never gotten before. It's a downhill into a flat rock garden and then up a short steep hill. In the past, I've always lost too much momentum in the rocks and then couldn't make the hill. Yesterday, I pedaled through the rocks more than I usually do, and then I found the hill wasn't too bad since I started it with a little momentum.

Tonight will be a strength workout, and then I need to mow the lawn. Tomorrow I'm heading back to the West side of the state for the Fort Custer Stampede. I'll pre-ride the course tomorrow and then race on Sunday. Fortunately, this should also be the last race for awhile that I'll "train through". It's tough starting a race when your legs are already smoked.
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