"I guess I should warn you, if I turn out to be particularly clear, you've probably misunderstood what I've said."
- Alan Greenspan
Not a typical Chainline quote, but it struck me as funny.
I got through all of my tests except CP30 last week (no retests yet though). I'm not sure if I'll be able to, or if I want to take the time, to do my CP30 and my retests this week. Maybe I'll do those in two weeks, on the free weekend between the Ann Arbor and Monroe races. So, I'm going to go ahead and post my charts now.
Here's the Critical Power chart. It shows some nice across-the-board improvements, but I guess I always want a little more.

Here's my updated "Power Profiling" chart. I'm not using quite the same time intervals as are recommended for this chart. I use 12s power instead of 5s power, and 6min power instead of 5min power. It just means those numbers will look a little low for me (I'm really not sure how much difference there would be between 5s and 12s anyway). The hollow squares are my February numbers. My February 5s number was so low that it didn't register on the chart. There were big improvements on the "5s" and 1min numbers, and solid improvements on the "5min" and FT numbers.

Just keep in mind, for both charts, that my mid-range (1-12min) interval power numbers weren't so good in February because I was just coming off the Preparation phase and had pretty crappy anaerobic fitness. Also keep in mind that I'm measuring power of my "calibrated" trainer, so my absolute power numbers may not be accurate. For example, I don't really believe that I have Cat2/3 5min and FT power.
I want to keep working on developing my Force (strength) in the off-season. I think that it's just the raw strength to turn over big gears is what's holding me back on those short intervals.
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