Thursday, January 15, 2009


I'm feeling less fatigued this week, even though work has been busy and my daughter decided to wake up at 4:45am today (15 minutes later, my dog licked me square on the mouth... not pleasant that early!). It's bitterly cold here, so I've not been running or skiing outside.

I've been deeply pondering the squatting situation I talked about last time. On Tuesday night, I did reduce the weight I was lifting to try to go to a deeper squat. Sure enough, I could go much deeper. I had to reduce the weight about 40% to do it. I'm definitely much weaker near the bottom of the squat.

Then, last night, I was explaining all of this to Sarah, and she had me demonstrate everything, including seeing how far I bent my knees on the bike. We reached the conclusion that I still wasn't going deep enough in my squat to match the knee bend I get on my bike. The only way I was able to go deep enough was to do the squat on both legs.

I was looking for a chart online of leg angle around the pedal stroke, but I didn't find one. (I do have some in my books.) I did find this one of muscle usage around the pedal stroke. It's kind of interesting.

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