Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Real World

“It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it's the pebble in your shoe.”
- Muhammad Ali

Yesterday was mainly sucked away by my responsibilities to the real world. I needed to get new tires for my car (I probably should have done it months ago), so I stopped at the shop on the way home from work. Typically, since I go for higher performance tires, the tire shop needs to order what I want; so I expected to skate in and out in just a few minutes. It turned out that they did have some suitable tires for me in stock, so I waited around while they put them on. Since last night also looked to be the only non-rainy night we might have for a while, I also mowed the lawn (as did almost all of my neighbors). It took quite a bit longer than usual since the grass was so long.

By the time I finished all that, it was about 8:30pm and starting to get dark. So I put on my running shoes and went for a quick jog. It went OK, but I was a bit tired to start with and the right IT band flared up a little near the end. I want to do a few more short, easy runs over the next couple weeks before I transition to hill sprint work for cyclocross.

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