Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Reality Check

Velonews has Gustav Larsson's power file from Stage 1 of the Tour of California posted. The first thing that I noticed was that his average power over the stage (241W) seemed pretty mortal. Sure, I couldn't hold that power for 4 hours, but I see numbers like that...

Then, I looked at his "mean-maximal" 20 minute and 60 minute power numbers. 380W over 20 minutes, and 324W over 60 minutes. Uh, OK... now that would take some work...


I was joking with my wife over the weekend that this is the time of year when I get pretty delusional about racing. I sort of forget the hard parts and only remember the fun parts. I also start thinking, "yeah, I could win this race, I could win that race"... we'll see, hasn't happened yet...


Since I didn't post this yesterday when I wrote it originally, you can now see Larsson's Stage 2 power numbers.

The authors are estimating Larsson's FTP is around 415W. It says he weighs 80kg, so that's 5.2 W/kg... pretty awesome. For me to hit that power to weight ratio, I'd have to pick up another 90W (+36%!) or so, without gaining any weight! (See, the delusions continue...)

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