Thursday, May 21, 2009


Seriously, why do I not wear pads?!?!? Did I not just write a post a few weeks ago saying that I needed to wear pads when I was practicing? Agghhh... here's the story:

I spent some time working on my bunnyhopping progression last night in the backyard. I was riding the bike with flat pedals. A few years ago, I bought shin pads specifically for working on stuff like this. My pads were safely tucked away in the garage, protecting nothing.

As I was working on lifting my rear wheel, I found that my feet would lift off the pedals a little. Fine. After one such incident, with my feet at 3 and 9, I started bouncing up and down. (Why was I doing this? I don't know. No good reason.) Fine... until my foot slipped. So, with all my weight on one pedal, and no weight on the other, the predictable thing happened... the free pedal swung around and smashed into my bare shin!

So, now I have a nice bloody shin. I thought, "Gee... maybe I should go put my pads on." I'm not kidding, my next thought was, "Nah, I've already bashed my shin once, it won't happen again." Finally, reason prevailed, "Seriously? Go put your pads on!" So I did. I didn't have another incident where a pedal hit my shin (pad), but I did slip off the pedals one more time before I was done.

1 comment:

Matt said...

That's painful, I still have scars on my shins from doing that many times while riding bmx.