My plans are nearly set for my trip to China. I have plane tickets and a hotel, so that's good. Funny, on Monday, I had nothing.
For this trip, I decided to get a set of "
travel sheets" (or, in a family with young kids... a "sleep sack"). I've come back from trips (both in Asia and in the US) with some odd rashes, and I
really wished that I had something like this at one of the hotels I stayed at in Paris last year. Should also help keep me warm...
I went to the optomotrist this afternoon. I expected to have to get new contacts and glasses. His suggestion was a little surprising. He thought my prescription hadn't changed that much and that I would get better correction soft lenses. So, he sent me home with a couple pairs to try out. I really didn't expect to go home with new (and so different) lenses. I did have a terrible time trying to put them in and take them out, but I guess I'll get used to the different techniques if I keep using them.
On the way home, I decided that an odd noise my car had been was now cause for concern, so I took it to the shop. It would be nice to get it back before I leave for China... we'll see.