I've had that Chet Baker song "Look for the Silver Lining" floating around in my head for the past couple days. (OK, I Googled it, Chet didn't write the song, but his is the only version that I know.) I've been playing my trumpet again lately, which is part of it. I've been frustrated by things in general lately too, which is also part of it.
Work has been pretty annoying lately. I feel like the project I'm on is being poorly managed, and my group is also poorly managed. It's resulted in me not being very happy with the effort I'm putting forth at work. Of course, next week, I'll be in Oklahoma for most of the week for work.
My dog has recently developed the habit of urinating on our living room carpet. I think it's an issue of her not getting enough exercise, so she doesn't sleep all the way through the night, which is when these accidents seem to happen. She's a miniature dachshund, so sometimes it's hard to find the spots (they're just not that big). But since it's been sunnier lately, you can definitely smell them. Or, at least, I can smell them, my wife can't.

My grandpa is in the hospital and not doing so well. I'm not sure how that will turn out.
I've also been frustrated lately that my wife's schedule and mine don't seem to be meshing very well. No real problems otherwise, but I'd like to see her once in a while. For example, tonight, she won't get home from coaching until around 8pm. I'll want to go to bed by 9:30 so I'm not a zombie all day tomorrow after waking up at 5:30.
But, it's not all bad stuff (see that's why the "silver lining" is so clever). Like I mentioned, I've been playing more horn again lately, which is always a good thing. I've been going at it long enough now that I can pretty much play what I want, no endurance though. I dug out a picture of me in marching band in college (this picture is going on 9 years old now!). I always thought it was cool to pull the front of my hat down low like that.

Things are going well with regard to the bike. My testing is showing that I'm making improvements, and I feel pretty good. I did a little skill work in the garage tonight, basically doing figure 8's in the spot where my wife parks. I was pretty pleased with myself that I could (eventually) do them and stay within that small area. I think spring is around the corner here, it's been warmer and rainy lately (thus, I was in the garage), so I should be able to start riding outside more pretty soon.
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