The skis that we rented were significantly more "shaped" than I was used to. (I think that they were very similar to these skis.) I'm still not sure if it was the skis or the fresh snow, but the skiing felt very effortless to me. (As the guy at the rental place put it, "In Michigan, you ski on ice. Here, you ski on snow.") Regardless, by the end of the day, I was ready to sell my skis at home and get some newer shaped ones.
On Tuesday, we went over to Devil's Thumb Ranch and did some cross-country skiing. The weather was perfect: calm and sunny. It was warm enough that I took my gloves off pretty early on, and I was rewarded with some blistered hands by the time we finished.

After the cross-country skiing, we drove on over to Hot Sulfur Springs and took a dip in the pools. It was kind of neat I guess, but I think Sarah liked it better than I did. We both smelled like sulfur for the rest of the day, even after showering.
We got up early on Wednesday and drove back to Denver. This time, we hit a snowstorm as soon as we got over Berthould Pass, and it snowed all the way back to Denver. It didn't really cause us any trouble and we got to the airport on time and had a good flight back home.
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