Finally, I got to ride outside last night! It was my first outdoor ride of any significant length this year. I went over to Stony Creek after work and rode on the park roads for about 2 hours. The first 10-15 minutes were pretty cold, but once I got warmed up, it wasn't really too bad. Still, there was ice on the lake, and my water bottle was partially frozen by the time I was finished.

I figured that there might be quite a few people out last night. I only saw two other people on bikes, but there were a lot of runners. It was probably a better night for running than it was for cycling.
The first hour was just some Zone2-3 riding... just a little pressure on the pedals. That went fine, but it's always a little weird to be out on the road for the first time. The changes in resistance from the wind and hills feel strange compared to the steady resistance of the trainer.
The second hour was "muscular endurance" intervals. This was a new workout for me. You're supposed to keep the cadence low, resistance high, and go for 8+ minutes. Ideally this is supposed to be done on a hill or the trainer. Well, around here, there are no hills (that I know of) that take over 8 minutes to climb. The longest hills I've found are about half a mile long. What I did instead was to pick a slightly uphill stretch of road, with a headwind, and ride it in a big gear. The section of road ended up being about a mile long, and it took me about 3.5 minutes to ride. I just kept repeating that stretch until I'd accumulated about 20 minutes of work time.
At the time, my legs didn't feel too bad, although the last couple intervals got really hard. My legs feeling OK might have had something to do with the weather being cold. By the time I got home, I was starting to feel the effort though.
So, it seemed like the long false flat + headwind method worked OK, but I want to try it on a shorter steeper hill too and see how that goes.
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