Monday, November 27, 2006


Tonight was my first hockey game in about three years, and I probably hadn't played for a year or so before that! It went about like I expected. My skating skills were OK, but I had a little trouble with the pace early. As the game wore on, and slowed down, I seemed to do a bit better. My hockey skills were pretty rough, there were lots of plays where the puck was just out of reach, or I couldn't get it out of my skates, or I couldn't find it, or any number of other things.

All in all though, it was a good time, and this seems to be a pretty good group of guys (as most hockey players are). The guy that runs the game said that I fit in OK, so I can stay on the sub list. I guess I passed the test.

Since Sarah was coaching figure skating just before the game (and we were unexpectedly down to one car this weekend), she took some pictures.

Yours truly, sniffing around the net.

Heading somewhere in a hurry...

Yeah, but who would win in a bike race?

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