Friday, February 01, 2008

Tour of California

I stumbled across a few links about the upcoming Tour of California (find official link). They're taking some new steps to try to keep the race clean (a little more clarification here). Hopefully it will help.

We're getting quite a bit of snow today. I think it doesn't bode well for me to get out and ride tomorrow morning, but we'll see. It's also supposed to be pretty cold in the morning, well below 30F, which is about my limit for a training ride.

I was feeling a little sick this morning, but not too bad. I really perked up in the afternoon, so we'll see where that goes. I got home tonight and did some fast-paced shoveling. We ended up with only 5 inches or so, but it was wet and heavy. After I shoveled, I took the bike out and practiced skidding around on the lightly snow-covered driveway. The balance practice is definitely helping; most of the time, I was able to skid to a stop and get going again without putting a foot down. I think the skidding practice was helpful too, I was starting to get a feel for how much I could slide (and how far the bike could be leaned) before it was a problem. This idea all goes back to a video I found last year.

I haven't slept anywhere near enough this week. I went to bed early last night, but Suzie woke me up 2 or 3 times, and I was stressed about work, so I didn't end up sleeping too well. Anyway, I'm looking forward to resting this weekend.

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