Saturday, December 30, 2006

Contrast Shower

So, I tried a new recovery technique after the ride today, a "contrast shower". Basically, you take your normal shower, then alternate between hot and cold water for a few minutes at the end. I did 30s cold and 1 minute hot three times (finish up with cold). All I can say so far is that this is definitely an exciting way to finish up a shower! That cold water is really cold! It takes your breath away.

We'll see how I feel tomorrow. It really won't be much of an indication if the legs feel just OK. If they feel good, then I can say that it seems to work.


Chris Jennings said...

I discovered cold showers one night before a mountain bike race. There was no hot water and I needed to shave my legs so I did it in a cold shower. My legs felt great the next day. From then on I've preached the benefits of a cold shower. I've never tried the contrast thing though.

Keith said...

I'm still not hardcore enough to shave my legs. Maybe when I move up to Expert?

I really think the contrast showers are helping me recover. I've pretty much gotten to where I can tolerate the cold (although the first time that cold water hits me, it's a little rough). Sometimes I find it harder to bear the hot water.