Sunday, December 10, 2006

Day 14

I'm continuing to truck along on my 28 day "50 Day" plan. It's been more of the same the past couple days. It was interesting (and good!) that my back never did get sore from the sledgehammer swinging like I expected.

Today was another GPP day; it had the typical assortment of Ross exercises. I'm definitely improving with this type of workout. While today certainly wasn't easy, I'm now able to keep up a much more reasonable pace much farther into the workout.

The other thing that appears to be true is that, if I chose, I could do a GPP-type workout in the morning and be recovered enough to do a quality ride in the evening. This is something I'm contemplating for next season. I would essentially replace some of my "pure" strength sessions with GPP workouts. So far, I think it's doable, but I won't know for sure if I can handle it until I start riding more frequently than I am now.

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